NTSE(National Talent Search Examination) is a national level scholarship program in India started in the year 1963. The purpose of the scheme is to identify talented students and nurture their talent. It covers areas like Science, Social Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law. The scheme is open to students of Indian nationality. It helps students to proliferate their mental level and also helps them to sharpen their minds. It is organized by NCERT and honors talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship.

5 MAT(Mental Ability Test) &ELT(English Language Test) 5 and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
NTSE(National Talent Search Examination) SAT+MAT 5 Practice Mock Test With Solutions:
Mock 01
Mock 02
Mock 04
Mock 05
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
SAT 01
SAT 02
SAT 03
SAT 04
SAT 05